Bell Dental

Dental Crowns After Root Canal Therapy

Sep 15, 2020 @ 05:05 PM — by belldental
Tagged with: Dental Crowns

Patients with dental infections often need a root canal. The dentist uses this procedure to prevent the infection from spreading. The therapy is also used to save as much of the tooth as possible. To restore the look and function of these teeth, the dentist often places dental crowns after root canal therapy. Dr. Brian Bell customizes crowns that look and feel like your natural teeth at our Lake Jackson, TX, practice.

When patients visit our office for tooth decay, cracks, and discomfort, we examine the mouth to find the root problem. If we determine that a root canal is a proper treatment, we can typically perform the procedure in-house. Our goal is to help patients maintain optimal oral health for years to come.

Why Do I Need a Root Canal?

The team at our practice often recommends a root canal for patients who have experienced severe tooth decay or damage. In these situations, a cavity or fracture has penetrated the innermost layer of the tooth–the pulp. This area is the soft tissue that contains the nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue which nourish the tooth. The infection can leave the tooth damaged and weakened.

When left untreated, the tooth can loosen and fall out. There are several benefits of a root canal, including:

What Is Involved in a Root Canal?

During a root canal in our office, the dentist numbs and disinfects the tooth. The doctor removes a small piece of the tooth to access the pulp. All of the tissue inside the tooth is removed, and the dentist disinfects the area. Your dentist then fills and seals the tooth.

What Is a Dental Crown?

Once your doctor has finished the root canal, he preps your tooth for the dental crown–a durable, lifelike cap-shaped restoration. The dentist places the crown on your tooth to restore function, appearance, and strength to act like your natural tooth. With a cap, you can chew and bite more efficiently.

How Are Crowns Placed?

At our Lake Jackson, TX, dental practice, we place crowns in two appointments. During the first visit, we take x-rays and impressions of your teeth and send them to the lab. The lab will customize a natural-looking crown to match seamlessly with the rest of your teeth. You will wear a temporary crown until your next appointment.

When the crown is ready, the patient returns to the office for it to be placed. The doctor ensures the crown is the right size, color, and fit. After your tooth is numbed, the dentist uses a professional-strength bond to cement the crown in place for stability and security.

What Happens Afterward?

When you receive a dental crown after root canal therapy, you might experience some sensitivity. The dentist will provide you with instructions that you should follow closely. Patients also need to visit their doctor for regular check-ups to ensure the infection is gone and the crown is performing as expected.

To maintain crowns and to prevent a recurring infection, you should practice good oral hygiene habits. Patients should brush and floss daily to remove as much plaque as possible and maintain good oral health.

Learn More at Our Office

Have you been told you need a root canal or are experiencing symptoms like sensitivity to hot and cold foods and drinks? Please contact our Lake Jackson office using our online form or at (979) 297-1201. Our dental team can determine your candidacy for a root canal and crown during an in-depth examination.