Bell Dental

Heightened Sensitivity after Dental Crown Treatment

Nov 15, 2019 @ 08:06 AM — by belldental
Tagged with: Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are used to restore teeth that have suffered from significant structural damage, either due to decay or injury. A dental crown surrounds the crown of a tooth on all sides. Dental crowns protect the nerves and tissues at the center of the tooth, and provide superior strength and protection that helps prevent further dental complications.

Dental crown treatment is straightforward, and rarely results in any complications. While side effects also tend to be minimal, patients may experience sensitivity after dental crown treatment. The experienced dentists at Bell Dental, serving Lake Jackson, TX, prepare patients for how to handle sensitivity following their dental crown procedure.

How Common Is Sensitivity after Dental Crown Treatment?

It is fairly common for patients to experience heightened sensitivity after dental crown treatment, but that isn’t to say that all patients will develop sensitivity. Many people recover from dental crown treatment without developing any side effects. This is one of the easiest restorative dentistry treatments to recover from, and most patients can resume all normal activities and oral functions immediately following treatment. However, if side effects do develop, sensitivity is the most likely.

What Part of the Mouth Will be Sensitive?

If sensitivity develops after dental crown treatment, it should be localized to the tooth that received the dental crown or to the gums immediately surrounding the tooth. For most of our Lake Jackson patients, it is the tooth itself that feels sensitive.

Reshaping the tooth to accommodate the crown can inflame the sensitive nerves and tissues at the center of the tooth. However, some patients may notice sensitivity in the gums surrounding the tooth. If the dental compound that holds the crown in place comes into contact with the gums, it can cause some temporary irritation.

Is Sensitivity Painful?

The degree of sensitivity that develops after dental crown treatment will vary for each patient. Although some may deal with more heightened sensitivity than others, most of our Lake Jackson patients do not describe it as painful. Instead, sensitivity may create an uncomfortable throbbing sensation or quick spikes of irritation. Sensitivity is likely to be most noticeable when pressure is applied to the tooth or gums, or when they are exposed to extreme temperatures.

What Can I Do to Reduce Sensitivity?

Any sensitivity that develops after dental crown treatment is temporary and will subside on its own. Most patients notice that sensitivity resolves within just a few days. While sensitivity is present, there are steps that can be taken to reduce sensitivity and improve oral comfort:

Contact Us

A dental crown can effectively restore the strength, health, and beauty of a tooth damaged by decay, erosion, or oral injury. If you are interested in learning more about dental crown treatment, and whether it may be right for you, send us a message at your earliest convenience, or call (979) 297-1201 to schedule an appointment with one of the experienced dentists at Bell Dental.