Bell Dental

Treatments for Teeth That Overlap

Sep 16, 2017 @ 11:45 AM — by belldental
Tagged with: Crooked Teeth Orthodontics Cosmetic Dentistry Restorative Dentistry

Crooked teeth can lead to many problems in terms of your health, your self-esteem, and perhaps even your career. That's why people throughout Lake Jackson come to our general, restorative, and cosmetic dentistry practice. We can help develop a treatment plan that straightens and enhances your smile.

Overlapping teeth can be especially tricky to treat given the spacing and crowding issues involved. With that in mind, let's go over the problems caused by overlapping teeth and what treatments are available.

Problems Caused by Overlapping Teeth

Teeth that overlap can lead to both aesthetic problems and issues with overall dental wellness.

When it comes to cosmetic problems caused by overlapping teeth, these issues can make you feel self-conscious about the appearance of your smile. You might feel reluctant to smile, speak, or laugh, even around your friends and family members.

With regard to dental wellness, overlapping teeth can be painful, especially when biting or chewing certain foods. What's more, this misalignment can result in tooth fractures, gum recession, teeth grinding (bruxism), and TMJ disorders.

Thankfully there are many treatments to consider.

Cosmetic and Restorative Dentistry Options

When the overlapping is predominantly aesthetic in nature, the ideal treatment option to consider may be a cosmetic dentistry option or a restorative dentistry option. Porcelain veneers may be used to help conceal a poorly aligned tooth, allowing the smile to look straight and properly aligned. In other cases, a dental crown might be used to remove problematic tooth structure that overlaps and cap the underlying tooth structure so it's straight and looks great.

Keep in mind that while these are generally quick and straightforward solutions, more serious dental overlapping will require involved dental therapies and approaches.

Orthodontic Treatment Options

In the vast majority of cases, orthodontic care is the ideal option for teeth that overlap. Using braces, palatal expanders, headgear, and other appliances, a dentist or orthodontist can improve the overall alignment of a patient's teeth. Careful pressure will be used over the course of several months to ensure optimal results.

Whenever possible, orthodontic care ought to be considered as soon as possible. While adult orthodontics can achieve great results, it usually takes more time for these results to be achieved. In younger patients, orthodontic care tends to go by faster and smoother.

Oral Surgery and Advanced Dentistry

When orthodontic care isn't enough for overlapping teeth, advanced dental therapies are considered. This essentially means using oral surgery to help improve the alignment of the smile. The surgery will help manipulate the palate, the bone structure, and the teeth themselves, with extraction used if crowding cannot be revised. Following oral surgery, orthodontic appliances will be used to ensure optimal alignment and finer adjustments are achieved.

Tailoring a Treatment Plan to Your Needs

As you can see, dentists have many ways to address teeth that overlap. The best way to learn which treatment option is right for you is to visit our practice for a consultation. During your visit, we can discuss all of these matters in much greater detail, providing answers to any questions you may have.

Contact Bell Dental

For more information about straightening your teeth and improving your dental health and wellness, contact an experienced cosmetic and restorative dentist today. We will assess your situation and provide insight on your various options for treatment.