Bell Dental

5 Things You Should Know About Getting Adult Braces

Nov 14, 2023 @ 08:07 AM — by belldental
Tagged with: Five Things To Know About Getting Adult Braces

Many people do not possess a naturally straight smile. Malocclusion problems, such as crooked teeth and a misaligned bite, compromise oral functions and aesthetics. Orthodontics shift the teeth and jaw to their intended position to enhance the smile.

Orthodontic treatment is most common among pre-teens and teens, but Dr. Brian Bell of Bell Dental Smiles in Lake Jackson, TX, also offers adult braces. It is not uncommon for adults to have questions or concerns about orthodontic treatment. Here, we discuss five things to know about getting adult braces so that individuals feel well-prepared for this beneficial dental treatment.

#1 It’s Not Too Late to Get Braces

Malocclusion problems often develop during adolescence and are usually treated during the teen years. However, many people are unable to get braces when they are younger. Still, others successfully undergo braces treatment only to find their smile is no longer as straight as they would like as adults. 

There is a common myth that adults are stuck with whatever smile they have, but that is far from true. Orthodontic treatment can be just as effective for adults as for teens. Any adult who is unhappy with how their smile looks or functions due to misalignment issues should discuss adult braces with an experienced dentist.

#2 Braces Are a Smart Investment

The cost of orthodontic care is often one of the biggest worries for many patients. However, adult braces are more affordable than many people realize. 

Depending on each patient’s unique needs and the anticipated length of treatment, braces usually cost between $4,000 and $6,000. Many insurance companies provide coverage for braces, which helps alleviate out-of-pocket expenses. Furthermore, braces are a smart investment. Adult braces improve oral functions and make it easier to practice good oral hygiene habits, thus decreasing the risk of dental complications that require costly treatment.

#3 You Won’t Be Wearing Braces Forever

Adults may hesitate to get braces because they are concerned about how they affect the smile’s appearance. Fortunately, braces are only temporary. Braces treatment may last between 9 and 26 months, with the average treatment being around 18 months.

#4 Braces Are More Convenient Than You Think

Braces have a reputation for being uncomfortable and difficult to care for, so many of our Lake Jackson patients are surprised by their convenience. People can brush their teeth as usual with brackets and wires in place, and special tools make flossing easy for braces wearers. 

Check-ups throughout braces treatment are also more convenient than people anticipate. Patients come to our office approximately every six to eight weeks to monitor treatment progression and have wires tightened. These appointments typically last around 30 minutes or less, making them easy to fit into a lunch break.

#5 Braces Are Not the Only Option 

Adult braces offer several benefits, but they are not right for everyone. Fortunately, braces are not the only orthodontic treatment option. We are happy to offer Invisalign at our Lake Jackson dental practice. Invisalign corrects malocclusion problems using clear plastic aligner trays that are removable. Many adults prefer Invisalign because they are more discreet than braces.

Contact Bell Dental Smiles

If you are an adult living with a crooked smile or misaligned bite, Dr. Brian Bell would be happy to provide you with more information about the orthodontic treatments available at our dental practice. Send us a message at your earliest convenience to schedule an appointment and learn how we can help you achieve the straight, healthy smile you desire.