Bell Dental

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

Aug 2, 2023 @ 07:55 AM — by belldental
Tagged with: How Long Do Dental Implants Last

When tooth loss occurs, there are several restorative dentistry treatments to consider. One of the most popular is dental implants. Dental implants offer superior strength, durability, and comfort. Dental implants replace the roots of missing teeth to provide a stable anchor for a full range of dental restorations, including dental crowns, bridges, and dentures.

Dental implant candidates often ask the dentists at Bell Dental, “How long do dental implants last?” Our dental team prepares our Lake Jackson, TX, patients for the average dental implant lifespan, which is far longer than the lifespan of other missing teeth replacements.

Average Dental Implant Lifespan

Traditional dentures last about five to seven years. Dental crowns and bridges bond to adjacent teeth and can last 10 years or longer. None of these compare to the longevity of dental implants. Dental implants can last several decades. Since many of our Lake Jackson patients undergo dental implant treatment later in life, it is typical for implants to last the duration of the patient’s life.

Why Do Dental Implants Last So Long?

No other missing teeth treatment has the potential to last as long as dental implants. The reason for dental implants’ longevity is their design. Dental implants are surgically placed through the gums and into the jaw. Implants fuse with bone tissues (in a process called osseointegration) to essentially become part of the jaw. Once osseointegration occurs, dental implants are structurally sound and should not deteriorate or become damaged unless surrounding tissues are compromised by injury or disease.

Ensuring the Long-term Success of Dental Implants

Dental implant success depends on post-treatment care and long-term oral hygiene habits. Patients should follow all post-surgical instructions to promote osseointegration. Beneficial aftercare practices include:

After recovery and healing are complete, good oral hygiene practices support the gums and jaw to preserve dental implants and protect the integrity of dental restorations. Patients should brush and floss regularly and schedule biannual dental exams and cleanings. Bone health is also essential to long-term dental implant success, so we advise our Lake Jackson patients to maintain a nutrient-rich diet and take vitamins and supplements that promote bone health.

Replacing Dental Implant Restorations

Dental implants last for decades, so most patients never require dental implant replacement. While dental implants can last a lifetime, the restorations they support will likely wear down or become damaged over time. Dental implant restorations sit above the gum line and are exposed to continual wear and tear from biting and chewing. With proper care, most dental implant restorations last 10 to 15 years before they require replacement. Dental implant restorations can be replaced without affecting implants.

Contact Bell Dental

Dentists at Bell Dental offer dental implant treatment because of the many benefits they provide to individuals who have suffered tooth loss. If you would like to learn more about dental implant treatment and whether you are an ideal candidate for this procedure, contact our dental practice and schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience.