Bell Dental

Dental Bridge Aftercare: Having a Healthy Smile

Jun 23, 2018 @ 11:45 AM — by belldental
Tagged with: Dental Bridges Missing Teeth Restorative Dentistry

On average, dental bridges have a lifespan of about 10 years. While they are made of durable materials and able to withstand normal wear and tear quite well, eventually the bridge will need to be replaced. If you do not care for your bridge properly, the lifespan can be considerably shortened.

The team at our Lake Jackson, TX dental practice would like to go over some basic cleaning and hygiene tips for people who have dental bridges. This will help your bridges remain functional and looking great for as long as possible.

Proper Cleaning of a Dental Bridge

If you have a removable dental bridge, be sure to take it out and give it a thorough brushing and flossing after meals. It’s a good idea to not wear the bridge at night and to use a cleaning solution if instructed by your dentist.

For fixed bridges, you’ll want to brush and floss thoroughly after every meal. That also means flossing around the base of the artificial teeth where food may get lodged. You may want to use superfloss, which is floss with a wider brush-like portion between normal floss ends. This will help clean the nooks and crannies that normal floss and your toothbrush may miss.

Cleaning Your Remaining Teeth

In addition to cleaning your dental bridge, it’s important that you brush and floss your remaining teeth as well. Good overall oral hygiene is key for a healthy bridge and a smile that lasts for years.

Brush at least twice a day and floss at least once a night; ideally, brush and floss after every meal. After brushing and flossing, also consider rinsing with an antibacterial mouthwash to help keep your mouth as fresh and clean as possible.

Eat Healthy and Avoid Junk Food

Sugary and starchy foods can make tooth decay and gum disease more likely. Try to eat a healthy diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid junk food and processed foods as much as possible.

It’s also important for you to stay hydrated. Be sure to drink water throughout the day to make sure you’re producing saliva and do not suffer from dry mouth. Limit your consumption of soft drinks, sugary fruit juices, and beer.

Visit Your Dentist Regularly for Checkups

Be sure to visit your dentist twice a year for regular checkups. These routine dental visits will help keep your teeth clean and ensure your bridge is strong and undamaged. As issues arise, your dentist can offer professional assistance as needed.

What to Do In Case of Bridge Fractures

If your bridge is cracked or chipped, you may be able to fix the damage by using an over-the-counter denture repair kit. Generally these are fine for minor fixes and minor fractures.

Professional Dental Bridge Repair

When a dental bridge is serious cracked or damaged in some way, a dentist will need to examine the issue and do a professional repair. A dentist has more effective resources available to fix a damaged dental appliance.

Replacing an Old or Damaged Dental Bridge

If your dental bridge can’t be repaired professionally or has worn down and become ineffective, its time to get a replacement bridge. In these cases, the dentist takes a new impression of your teeth, determines a plan of action, and a dental lab creates a new restorative appliance.

Learn More About Dental Bridges

For more information about treating dental bridges and improving your overall dental health and wellness, be sure to contact an experienced cosmetic and restorative dentist. We look forward to your visit and discussing your dental health in much greater detail.