Bell Dental

Ideal Candidates for Dentures

Mar 2, 2018 @ 06:08 AM — by belldental
Tagged with: Restorative Dentistry Dentures

The primary goal of professional dental care is to maintain the health of the teeth so that patients can benefit from a strong, beautiful smile throughout their lifetime. Unfortunately, a number of dental complications can compromise the health of the teeth and ultimately lead to tooth loss. When tooth loss occurs, restorative dentistry treatments rebuild the smile so that patients can continue to enjoy a fully-functioning bite. Dentures are an ideal restoration when significant tooth loss has occurred, because a partial or complete denture can replace an entire arch of teeth. At Bell Dental, we are proud to offer customized dentures that meet the unique needs of each of our patients. Here, we discuss some of the qualities that make patients ideal candidates for dentures at our Lake Jackson, TX, practice.

Significant Tooth Loss

Clearly, for a patient to be considered an ideal candidate for dentures treatment, they must have experienced tooth loss. But further, dentures are specifically meant to meet the needs of patients who have lost multiple teeth. If a patient has lost just a single tooth, or even a small group of teeth, they are likely to be well-suited for a dental bridge. However, if numerous teeth have been lost, or if an entire arch of teeth has been lost, dentures are the best way to restore the entire smile with a single restoration.

At Bell Dental, we offer both partial and complete dentures. A partial denture is a great treatment option for a patient who has lost a large group of teeth. If a patient is replacing an entire arch of teeth, that is when a complete denture is required.

Good Oral Health

It seems a bit strange to say that an ideal candidate for dentures treatment should have good oral health, because most cases of tooth loss occur when oral health has been compromised. However, before dentures can be placed, it is important to ensure the gums and any remaining teeth are healthy. If there are dental problems present, they will need to be addressed before we proceed with treatment. It is important for the gums and teeth to be healthy because they will provide the foundation and surrounding structure for the dentures.

Strong Jawbone Density

Traditional dentures sit over the gums and create a suction that helps hold them in place. A strong jawbone maintains the structure of the mouth and creates a solid foundation for the dentures to rest on. Patients with adequate jawbone density are more likely to enjoy a close, secure fit of their dentures.

Even more importantly, a strong jawbone is essential for patients who wish to receive implant-supported dentures, which is the type of dentures we most often recommend to our patients. Implant-supported dentures are anchored down by a series of surgically implanted screws. Dental implants fuse with the patient’s natural jawbone to provide the ultimate level of security. They allow our patients to benefit from restorations that look, feel, and function just like the natural teeth.

Contact Us

Dentures treatment can be customized to the unique needs of each of our patients, so if you have experienced significant tooth loss, it is likely that dentures will work for you. If you have more questions about dentures treatment and whether you are an ideal candidate for this type of dental restoration, contact us at your earliest convenience. The experienced team of dentists at Bell Dental look forward to hearing from you!