Bell Dental

Treating Dental Damage Caused by Aggressive Tooth Brushing

Jul 25, 2017 @ 09:40 AM — by belldental
Tagged with: General Dentistry Restorative Dentistry

The teeth contain a collection of sensitive nerves and tissues that are commonly referred to as the “pulp” of the tooth. Despite this, most people are able to bite, chew, and expose the teeth to extreme temperatures without feeling any pain. This is all thanks to tooth enamel, which is a hard, protective layer that surrounds the pulp of each tooth. Unfortunately, while tooth enamel is strong, it is not invincible. When dental damage occurs, pain, sensitivity, and other dental complications can develop.

Restorative dentistry treatments address dental damage to restore the strength and function of the teeth. While these treatments are extremely effective, many patients can avoid the need for these services altogether by avoiding certain dental habits. One dental habit that can be especially harmful is aggressive tooth brushing. Yes, you read that correctly. If done incorrectly, tooth brushing can actually be bad for the teeth. At Bell Dental, our dentists offer a range of dental services to repair dental damage from aggressive tooth brushing for our Lake Jackson, TX patients.

Types of Aggressive Tooth Brushing

Most people are surprised to learn that aggressive tooth brushing can damage the teeth. While tooth brushing is a healthy and important dental habit, it can be harmful if done incorrectly. Unfortunately, many patients aren’t aware that they practice aggressive tooth brushing. However, there are many ways in which a person can expose the teeth to excessive force when brushing. Some common types of aggressive tooth brushing include:

Proper Brushing Techniques

By practicing proper brushing techniques, patients can prevent damage to tooth enamel and maintain good oral health. The following tips will ensure that patients get the maximum benefits from their brushing habits without causing dental damage:

Our dentists are happy to demonstrate proper brushing techniques to our patients and recommend an appropriate toothbrush and toothpaste.

Treating Dental Damage

Patients should take all precautions necessary to minimize the risk of dental damage. However, if dental damage does occur, there are multiple restorative dentistry treatments that can repair damage and restore the strength and health of the teeth. Some of the most common treatments for dental damage caused by aggressive tooth brushing include:

Our dentists will examine each patient to determine how extensive dental damage is, and which of these treatments is most appropriate for his or her unique situation.

Contact Us

If you’ve experienced tooth sensitivity or oral pain, dental damage is probably to blame. To learn how the experienced dentists at Bell Dental can treat dental damage and restore oral strength, contact us at your earliest convenience.