Bell Dental

Proper Porcelain Veneers Aftercare will Preserve Your Investment

Jan 24, 2017 @ 10:00 AM — by belldental
Tagged with: Porcelain Veneers Cosmetic Dentistry

Porcelain veneers are an all-encompassing cosmetic procedure. They can brighten and straighten your teeth to create a more symmetrical and beautiful smile. If they are not properly cared for, however, they may not last. You may then need additional dental work to restore your smile. Our dentists provide our patients with all the porcelain veneers aftercare information they need at our Lake Jackson, TX office. Carefully following these instructions will help protect your investment and your smile.

Are There any Restrictions after My Veneers Are in Place?

There are few, if any, restrictions after getting porcelain veneers. If we had to numb your gums or teeth with a local anesthetic, it may take a few hours to wear off. Once the numbness subsides, you may notice a few rough patches from the dental cement. These will naturally smooth out within a few days. You can return to eating and chewing as you normally would once the anesthetic has worn off.

How Can I Make My Porcelain Veneers Last?

Although there are few restrictions with porcelain veneers, there are some general guidelines you should follow to make them last as long as possible.

Practice Good Oral Hygiene

Practicing good oral hygiene is one of the simplest, yet most important, ways to preserve your veneers. You should continue brushing your teeth twice per day and flossing once a day. Doing so will prevent the development of decay or gum disease, which are harmful to your natural teeth and will tarnish your veneers.

Regular Dental Exams and Cleanings

Anytime we place something artificial on the teeth, whether to improve aesthetics or dental health, it is critical that our dentists check them periodically for signs of damage. Damaged veneers will not only look bad, they may also harm your natural teeth. Regular cleanings are important in maintaining a beautiful smile. Professional cleanings help remove the plaque your toothbrush and floss cannot reach. This further prevents decay and gum disease.

Proper Diet

Veneers are fairly resilient and stain resistant. Over time, though, over-consumption of products like coffee, red wine, or tobacco could lead to staining. If this happens, the only option we have is to replace the veneers, as we cannot whiten porcelain. In addition to limiting foods that are known to stain the teeth and veneers, we also recommend avoiding chewing and biting hard objects. This is good practice even without veneers, as chewing on ice or using your teeth to open packages can damage your natural teeth too.

Wear a Mouth Guard

If you grind your teeth at night, you should notify our dentists and get fitted for a custom mouth guard. Just as bruxism can damage your natural teeth, it can also damage your veneers. A mouth guard will protect your teeth from this nightly wear on your teeth. Additionally, if you play any form of contact sports, we recommend wearing a custom sports guard. This will protect your veneers and your underlying natural teeth from trauma.

Learn More about Porcelain Veneers Aftercare

With proper care, porcelain veneers can last more than a decade. To learn more about how to care for them, contact our office today.