Bell Dental

Filling Those Gaps: Treatment Options for Missing Teeth

Aug 23, 2016 @ 11:53 AM — by belldental
Tagged with: Missing Teeth Dentures Dental Bridges Dental Implants

If you are missing a tooth or a few teeth, you may be facing a whole host of issues related to smile aesthetics and overall dental health. Here at Bell Dental. We understand these challenges and how they affect people in and around Lake Jackson. We want to offer advanced restorative dentistry for tooth loss, which is why we offer diverse solutions for missing teeth.

The Problems Linked to Tooth Loss

In terms of aesthetics, a missing tooth can lead you to feel quite self-conscious about the look of your smile. This can cause you to be self-conscious about laughing, speaking, and smiling around others, even people you have known for many years.

On the dental health side of the equation, missing teeth can lead to issues with biting and chewing, which can make having a regular and healthy diet difficult. In addition, bone loss and gum recession will occur in the ares where the teeth are missing since no root structure is in place to be supported.

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are one of the common treatments for people missing a tooth or a few teeth. A dental bridge is an appliance that spans the gap between two teeth. To remain in place, a bridge latches/braces around the teeth adjacent to a tooth gap for stability.

Partial and Full Dentures

When a patient is missing most or all of their teeth, a dental bridge is no longer a viable option. In these cases, the use of a partial or full denture is best. Dentures help restore a large portion of the dental arch when a patient is missing teeth. The dentures stay in place by bracing along the dental arch. Dental adhesives and creams may be used to help secure the denture in place.

Crown-Supported Fixed Bridges

While traditional dental bridges are removable, it is possible to get a fixed bridge placed. Crown-supported bridges are bridges with dental crowns on either side. These crowns cap the teeth adjacent to the tooth gap, allowing for added stability.

Implant Dentistry

While crown-supported dental bridges are rather stable, dental implants are the best option to consider for fixing a dental appliance in place. Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are surgically anchored into the jawbone and gum tissue. These dental implants are, effectively, new tooth roots that can secure bridges, dentures, or even individual crowns when you are missing a single tooth.

Implant dentistry does require oral surgery, and patients will have a few months of healing ahead of them in order to ensure proper function and results.

Weighing All of Your Options

As you can see, dentists have plenty of ways to deal with tooth loss. To find out which option may be right for you and your needs, we encourage you to stop by the practice for a consultation. We will be more than happy to go over the risks and benefits of all treatments so you have a good understanding of the options ahead of you.

Learn More About Treating Tooth Loss

For more information about your treatment options and how we can help you have the healthiest and most beautiful smile possible, be sure to contact our cosmetic and restorative dentistry center today. The team here at our practice will work closely with you to help ensure you can smile with renewed confidence.