Bell Dental

Protect the Teeth from Teeth Grinding

May 24, 2016 @ 09:00 AM — by belldental
Tagged with: General Dentistry Restorative Dentistry

Most people lead busy and stressful lives. As a way to deal with this stress, many people pick up nervous habits, often without even realizing it. Teeth grinding is a habit that can negatively impact the strength and health of the teeth. Over time, this habit can cause significant damage that will require restorative dentistry services to rebuild the strength and structure of the teeth. While treatment can restore the health of the teeth, damage can recur. At Bell Dental, we offer treatment for teeth grinding to our Lake Jackson, TX patients. We can help protect the teeth from dental complications and maintain the health of the smile.

The Dangers of Teeth Grinding

In the majority of cases, teeth grinding is an unconscious habit. Even if patients are aware that they grind and clench the teeth, it may not seem like a big deal. However, over time, teeth grinding can result in excessive wear and tear on the teeth. The condition can significantly weaken the teeth and leave them vulnerable to a number of other dental complications. Below are some of the potential dangers of teeth grinding:

Treatment for Teeth Grinding

An important aspect of teeth grinding treatment is repairing whatever damage has already developed as a result of this habit. However, these treatments will need to be repeated if the patient is not able to stop the habit of teeth grinding altogether. There are some relaxation techniques that may prove effective in reducing stress to minimize the likelihood that teeth grinding will continue. Some practices that may be helpful include the following:

While all of these practices may be beneficial, a dental mouth guard is the best way to ensure that teeth grinding will no longer occur. These mouth guards are custom fit to each patient’s unique measurements so that they fit comfortably in the mouth and sit securely over the teeth. To prevent teeth grinding, these guards should be worn each night while a patient sleeps. The mouth guard acts as a barrier between the teeth and also places the jaw in the correct, relaxed position. Our dentists can provide patients with custom mouth guards that will ensure a good night’s sleep while protecting the teeth.

To fit you with a mouth guard, we will take impressions of your teeth, and send the measurements to a dental lab. There, technicians will craft a custom mouth guard designed to protect your teeth from the effects of chronic teeth grinding.

Contact Us

If you are concerned about the damage that teeth grinding may be causing to your teeth, it is time to discuss treatment options with one of the experienced dentists at Bell Dental. Contact us at your earliest convenience to learn how teeth grinding treatment can protect your teeth. We look forward to hearing from you.