Bell Dental

Enjoy Immediate Dental Function with Dentures in a Day

Jun 26, 2015 @ 06:00 AM — by belldental
Tagged with: Dentures Dental Implants Restorative Dentistry

If you have a large number of missing teeth, it can affect your appearance and self-confidence. In many cases, it can impact your ability to eat and speak, as well. What if someone told you that you could enjoy a beautiful smile and full set of teeth after just one office visit? Even better, what if you learned that your restoration would never slip out of place and that no one would be able to distinguish it from your natural teeth? With dentures in a day, you can experience these benefits yourself. Serving residents of Lake Jackson and surrounding areas, the team at our practice uses the advanced All-on-4® method to provide implant-supported dentures. Dr. Bell or Dr. Crocker will carefully evaluate your candidacy for this treatment. If it is not right for you, they will recommend an alternative solution.

With All-on-4®, You Can Receive Same-day Dentures

Thanks to the All-on-4® method of implant placement, you will never think of dentures in the same way. This technique uses four implant posts to support a full restoration. Thanks to these innovations, your dentist can take advantage of the strongest areas of your jaw. In many cases, All-on-4® can eliminate the need for bone grafting and sinus lifts. Because your oral surgery will have less impact on your jawbone, Dr. Crocker or Dr. Bell can attach a temporary denture that same day. You will need to return several months later to have your permanent restoration attached. In the meantime, however, you will enjoy almost complete dental function. Additionally, our partner lab works carefully, even when creating temporary restorations. Thanks to their precision, your temporary denture will look highly realistic.

Long-lasting Benefits to All-on-4®

The ability to provide dentures in a day is certainly one of the major benefits of All-on-4®. However, you will also enjoy the benefits of this treatment for years to come. The advantages of All-on-4® include:

Alternative Treatment Options

Although All-on-4® is an excellent solution, it is not right for everyone. For example, if you have suffered severe jawbone recession, you may not have enough bone volume for implants. You may also be watching your budget, or you are saving up for implants. Fortunately, our traditional dentures can also restore your smile. Your restoration will be carefully crafted to ensure a comfortable fit and natural appearance.

Find out If You Qualify for All-on-4®

Contact us today to learn whether you are a candidate for All-on-4®. You could enjoy a beautifully restored smile after just one appointment.