Bell Dental

Who Is an Ideal Candidate for Dental Implants?

Apr 24, 2015 @ 10:13 AM — by belldental
Tagged with: Dental Implants Missing Teeth Restorative Dentistry

The team here at Bell Dental can help those in and around Angleton who are missing a tooth or multiple teeth. A great option for this is implant dentistry.

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots surgically anchored into a patient's jawbone and gum tissue. When in place, dental implants are able to support dental crowns, dental bridges, partial dentures, or full dentures with a level of strength and stability comparable to natural tooth roots. Not even the strongest denture creams and adhesives can match the level of support provided by dental implants.

Who is a good candidate for dental implants in general?

Ideal candidates for dental implants are people who are in good overall health. They should not suffer from any sorts of dental problems or health problems that would make the oral surgery process an unnecessary risk to health and wellness.

Understanding the Risk, Benefits, and Nature of Implant Dentistry Is Key

In addition to good health, it's important that good candidates know all of the risks and benefits of implant dentistry treatment so that they understand what is ahead of them during the recovery process. The entire healing process can take several months since the implants need to fuse with the living structures of the mouth.

Why Gum and Bone Density Matters

Because the dental implants are anchored into the jawbone and gum tissue, it's of the utmost importance that patients have sufficient tissue density in place. The lack of sufficient jawbone density or gum tissue density as a result of bone loss or gum recession means that an alternative to dental implants would be most ideal for treatment, but more on that in a bit.

The Cost of Implant Dentistry Can Be a Factor

The dental implants procedure is not inexpensive, and it can pose a major financial strain on some individuals and households. Even though there are financing options and payment plans available, patients should carefully consider if dental implants are an ideal investment for their future dental health needs.

Bone Grafting and Gum Augmentation: Improving Tissue Density

As noted early, there are alternatives out there if a patient does not have sufficient bone density or gum tissue in place to support an implant. Rather than resorting to a removable bridge or denture, patients can undergo bone grafting and/or soft tissue augmentation surgery. This will involve the use of donor tissue or synthetic grafts to build up the density of the jawbone and gum tissue so the patient can undergo implant dentistry treatment.

Patients considering this option will need to understand the risks and benefits of the procedure, and that it will take some months to heal fully. Only after fully healing from a grafting procedure will patients be eligible to undergo the dental implant process.

Learn More About Implant Dentistry

If you are missing teeth and would like to learn more about dental implants, it's important that you contact our advanced restorative dental care center today. The team at Bell Dental looks forward to your visit and helping you have a healthy and beautiful smile in the process.