Bell Dental

All-on-4® Offers Practical and Cosmetic Benefits

Apr 24, 2015 @ 09:00 AM — by belldental
Tagged with: Dental Implants Restorative Dentistry

Thanks to modern innovations, you have more restorative dentistry options than ever before. All-on-4® dental implants are one of the most exciting recent developments. These small implant posts can provide a stable foundation for a permanent denture. Dr. Bell or Dr. Crocker will take x-rays and examine your jawbone to determine whether this treatment is right for you. If your dentist decides that you are a good candidate for treatment, he will place four small posts in your jawbone. As your bone heals over the next few months, we can provide a temporary restoration. When you have healed completely, we will attach your custom-designed denture, which will complement the shape of your mouth and the natural contours of your face. Although there are numerous restorative dentistry options available, All-on-4® implants offer a unique set of benefits. To learn more about All-on-4® benefits, contact our Sweeny area practice today.

Candidates for All-on-4®

With the All-on-4® method, implant-supported dentures are suitable for more patients than ever before. The implants are smaller than traditional implant posts, and your surgeon will also place them at a slight angle. Therefore, you may be able to receive implants even if you have suffered jawbone degeneration. We may also recommend a bone grafting procedure to create a more stable foundation for the implants.

Functional Benefits of All-on-4®

Even carefully crafted dentures will start to slip over time. In contrast, All-on-4® implants are permanent and extremely stable. They will never move around in your mouth, and they will work almost the same as your natural teeth. Therefore, you will be able to eat a full range of foods without worrying that you will damage your dentures. With proper care, you will not have to replace your All-on-4® implants. However, your restoration may eventually require replacement.

Cosmetic Benefits of All-on-4®

Not only do All-on-4® implants function like natural teeth; they also look like natural teeth. Traditional dentures have a gum-colored plastic base that fits around your alveolar ridge. All-on-4® dentures, on the other hand, will sit directly against your gums. You will not have to worry about hiding the plastic base or using denture adhesive.

Long-Term Protection for Your Oral Health

One of the most important benefits of dental implants, including All-on-4®, is that they can prevent jawbone recession. Your dental roots do not simply keep your teeth affixed in your mouth. They also send out regenerative signals, triggering the production of new cells. When you lose your teeth, your bone will start to shrink. Over the years, this can greatly alter the shape and proportions of your face. All-on-4® and other types of dental implants will replace your tooth roots, and they will also stimulate the growth of new bone cells. In this way, your restorations will help maintain the youthful contours of your jaw. In some cases, All-on-4® implants can even replace lost bone cells. 

Find out If All-on-4® Is Right for You

To learn more about All-on-4® and to find out if this type of restoration is right for you, schedule an appointment at Bell Dental today