Bell Dental

Treating Infection through Root Canal Therapy

Sep 17, 2014 @ 09:00 AM — by belldental
Tagged with: Root Canal Restorative Dentistry

When many people hear the term “root canal” they shudder at the idea of this supposedly painful and scary dental treatment. We can tell you that those ideas are complete misconceptions. Like any other restorative dentistry treatment targeted to restore oral health, root canal therapy is not a cause of pain, but rather a means of eliminating pain and reducing the risk of future oral health complications. At Bell Dental, we offer our Lake Jackson patients root canal therapy when there is an infection present in the center of the tooth. This treatment procedure allows our dentists to treat infection and strengthen the tooth so that oral functions and aesthetics can be improved. Throughout treatment, patients are adequately anesthetized so that they remain comfortable and free of pain.

Signs of a Root Canal Infection

With regular dental examinations, most oral health problems can be detected fairly early on so that further complications do not occur. However, between these dental appointments, it is possible for dental problems to arise. It is important for patients to recognize the signs of a root canal infection so that, if this condition develops, treatment can be sought as soon as possible. The following symptoms are likely side effects of a root canal infection:

Treating Root Canal Infection

Despite the misconceptions, root canal therapy is actually a great treatment option for patients who are suffering from root canal infection. With root canal therapy, our dentists can remove diseased and infected tissue from the center of the tooth in order to eliminate the painful side effects of infection. Root canal therapy allows patients to treat a tooth that may otherwise require extraction.

Root canal therapy is essentially a deep cleaning of the tooth. This procedure is performed with local anesthesia and the comfort of our patients is always a top priority. During treatment, our dentists will remove infected pulp tissue, the nerve and blood tissue that resides in the center of the tooth. After this has been completed, small, flexible files will be inserted down each of the tooth’s roots. This further helps to ensure that another infection will not develop. Antibiotics are also likely to be applied to the teeth, most likely in the form of an oral rinse, so we can be sure that all infection has been eliminated. As a final step of treatment, a dental crown will likely be fitted to the tooth. A dental crown provides support for the weakened tooth and also acts as a protective shield to help block out harmful bacteria. With treatment complete, patients will find that they are able to eat, chew, and speak without pain or the embarrassment of a discolored tooth.

Schedule an Appointment

All patients deserve to enjoy a smile that is both healthy and beautiful. If you have experienced painful symptoms that may be a sign of root canal infection, schedule an appointment to discuss treatment. Root canal therapy is a safe and effective means of eliminating infection while restoring the function and aesthetics of the tooth.