Bell Dental

Good Candidates Can Benefit from Professional Teeth Whitening

May 17, 2014 @ 09:00 AM — by belldental
Tagged with: Teeth Whitening Cosmetic Dentistry

Most people rely on regular dental appointments to keep the teeth and gums healthy, but patients are also turning to the dentist to help them perfect the appearance of their smile. At Bell Dental, our cosmetic dentists can enhance the aesthetics of the teeth to give patients a smile that they are proud to display. One of the simplest and most effective ways to boost the smile is to whiten the teeth and eliminate stains with professional teeth whitening treatment. For our Lake Jackson patients who are teeth whitening candidates, a single dental appointment could be all that is needed to dramatically improve the smile.

Am I a Candidate?

There are several benefits regarding teeth whitening treatment and one of them is that just about any patient is a good candidate for treatment. Teeth whitening is non-invasive, fast, and affordable. With the professional supervision of our trained dentists, it is also one of the safest cosmetic treatments and is unlikely to result in any complications or side effects. Because the teeth are not altered and there is little to no risk, just about any patient who is dissatisfied with the color of their teeth is a probable candidate. Teeth whitening can address the following concerns:

The powerful bleaching agents used in teeth whitening treatments have the ability to erase most stains, even those that are old and deep-set, and brighten teeth that have become dull and yellow. It is advised that patients only undergo teeth whitening treatment if the teeth and gums are clean and healthy. Any necessary restorative or periodontal work should always be completed before teeth whitening takes place. This ensures that the teeth are strong enough to undergo treatment and decreases the risk of increased sensitivity following treatment.

There are circumstances in which teeth whitening may not be the best option for patients. Some types of stains and discoloration do not respond well to teeth whitening, making it difficult for patients to achieve the results they hope for. Patients who may not be good candidates for teeth whitening include those whose tooth discoloration is caused by a wearing down of the teeth, an over-exposure to fluoride, or stains from the use of certain medications. These are all types of discoloration that are not likely to respond to the bleaching agents in teeth whitening.

Alternate Treatments

In the rare cases that teeth whitening is not advisable, there are alternate treatments that allow patients to erase stains and improve tooth color. Patients who have minimal staining may be best suited to dental bonding, a procedure in which composite material is shaped to the tooth to conceal blemishes. Those requiring more extensive treatment should consider porcelain veneers, which adhere to the teeth to create a flawless smile. Our dentists are happy to discuss these treatment options in further detail.

Schedule an Appointment

If you are looking to improve the appearance of your smile, our cosmetic dentists can help. We offer a range of cosmetic treatments that can be tailored to each of our patient’s unique needs. To learn how we can help you achieve a smile that is healthy and beautiful, schedule an appointment at Bell Dental at your earliest convenience. We look forward to working with you!