Bell Dental

Applying Inlays and Onlays to Strengthen the Teeth

Mar 18, 2014 @ 08:05 AM — by belldental
Tagged with: Inlays Onlays Dental Crowns Dental Fillings

There are many treatment options available to patients who have suffered from tooth decay or structural damage. At Bell Dental, our cosmetic dentists aim to restore strength, function, and beauty to the teeth while preserving as much natural tooth enamel as possible. In many cases, this results in the treatment of tooth decay with inlays or onlays. For our patients in Lake Jackson, inlays and onlays are able to restore damage that is too severe to be adequately treated with a conventional dental filling. At the same time, inlays and onlays preserve healthy tooth enamel so that a dental crown is not needed.

The Treatment Process

Inlays and onlays are a dental term that is unfamiliar to many of our patients, so it is common for them to have questions about the treatment process. The inlays and onlays treatment procedure is actually very similar to that of a dental crown and can be broken down into three basic steps: preparation, fabrication, and application.

Alternate Treatment

An inlay or onlay is an ideal solution when a patient has damage that is too extensive to be treated with a filling but not significant enough to require a crown. However, there are cases in which damage or decay cannot be effectively treated with an inlay or onlay. In these situations, a dental crown can repair and protect a damaged tooth by replacing lost tooth enamel and enclosing the natural tooth to block out harmful bacteria.

Schedule an Appointment

Do not let an injury or tooth decay affect your oral health. At Bell Dental, we offer a range of restorative dental treatments that can restore strength and function to the teeth while enhancing the aesthetics of your smile. To learn more about these restorative treatments and find out which one is right for you, schedule an appointment with one of our experienced cosmetic dentists at your earliest convenience. We look forward to hearing from you!